Friday, February 11, 2011

You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.

Dear customers -

Please stop getting pissy with me when I don't remember your drink off the top of my head. I probably make a couple hundred drinks a day - at least, it feels that way. While I do remember a great deal of them, I don't have the superhuman ability to recall every single one.  Your iced coffee really doesn't stand out in my head.

Typically, if I do remember your beverage, it's for one of two reasons - either you're one of my regular customers who has the decency to treat me like a human being, or you're such a fucking clown dick that I make absolutely certain to memorize your order.  That way, I never have to talk to you again.  I can simply make your drink and move on with my life, instead of listening to you whining how there isn't enough decaf in your drink. You ordered half-caf.  It's half decaf, and half regular.  You want two-thirds decaf, fucking ask for it.

Your disgruntled barista.

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