Dear customers -
For the last time, I do not have a cash register at the espresso bar. One of the reasons I'm always behind the espresso bar is so I don't have to talk to you - partly because I can't hear you, and partly because you're probably an asshole. See the sign that reads "Line begins here"? Yeah. The line begins there. If you didn't place your order at the register, chances are I don't have your order. Therefore, that drink on the counter is not yours. That is for someone who actually paid for their drink, and is probably going to get pissed off at me if you walk off with it. Ultimately, I will have to remake that person's drink, which will hold up the line, and will piss off all the other people waiting for their drinks. In turn, this will piss me off, which will lead to me drinking on the job.
Your disgruntled(and surprisingly sober) barista.
"See the sign that reads "Line begins here"? Yeah. The line begins there." - I havent worked with the public in 6 years and i'm all the sane'er for it.